Monday 18 April 2016

QOTD 18/04/2016

Colombian student Hernando Barragán created the development platform Wiring as his Master's thesis project in 2004 at the Interaction Design Institute Ivrea in Ivrea, Italy. Massimo Banzi and Casey Reas (known for his work on Processing) were supervisors for his thesis. The goal was to create low cost, simple tools for non-engineers to create digital projects. The Wiring platform consisted of a hardware PCB with an ATmega128 microcontroller, an integrated development environment (IDE) based on Processing and library functions to easily program the microcontroller,

In 2005, Massimo Banzi, with David Mellis (then an IDII student) and David Cuartielles, added support for the cheaper ATmega8 microcontroller to Wiring. But instead of continuing the work on Wiring, they forked (or copied) the Wiring source code and started running it as a separate project, called X.

What is X ?

Saturday 16 April 2016

QOTD 17/04/2016

Connect : The White Seal, Rikki-Tikki-Tavi, Darzee's Chaunt, Shiv and the Grasshoppers, Her Majesty's Servants.

Movie Review : The Jungle Book

“The Jungle Book” is an all-new live-action epic adventure about Mowgli, a man-cub who’s been raised by a family of wolves. But Mowgli finds he is no longer welcome in the jungle when fearsome tiger Shere Khan, who bears the scars of Man, promises to eliminate what he sees as a threat. Urged to abandon the only home he’s ever known, Mowgli embarks on a captivating journey of self-discovery, guided by panther-turned-stern mentor Bagheera, and the free-spirited bear Baloo. Along the way, Mowgli encounters jungle creatures who don’t exactly have his best interests at heart, including Kaa, a python whose seductive voice and gaze hypnotizes the man-cub, and the smooth-talking King Louie, who tries to coerce Mowgli into giving up the secret to the elusive and deadly red flower: fire.

I recently went to watch "The Jungle Book". Since I live in Varanasi, and I am too lazy to go to the multiplex that shows English shows, I had to compromise with the Hindi dub. To anyone who wants to watch the movie, I really urge you to watch it in Hindi. Though the casting isn't very great, Punjabi Baloo makes up for it. :P

One Word : Astounding ! The visual effects are so immersive, that it almost beggars belief that the whole thing was shot in downtown LA. This was a sincere and heartfelt retreat to Rudyard Kipling's jungle book for fresh inspiration, keeping in attention the fact that this was being made as an adventure film for children, and is a perfect rendition of the two.

90's kids felt the nostalgia when "The 'Bear' Necessities" and "I wanna be like you" both made appearances. I remember watching the animated Disney film everyday during lunchtime.

The real star of the film (meaning no offence too the film's only human actor), is Shere Khan. The fantastic persuading movement and the extraordinarily hair perfect detail makes it look realer than real(whatever that means).

Bagheera, the Black Panther, seems like a very realistic guardian and acts the same way. He admonishes Mowgli for using human tricks (Jugaad :P) and wants him to act more like an animal of the jungle than a human.

Favreau understands that the Mowgli-Baloo relationship is key to the story, and dedicates enough screen time to instill a"cool hangout" vibe in it. Whenever Baloo speaks, it is blissfully mellow and the Punjabi just adds to the fun.

The real coup is the Magesterial King Louie. Not an orangutan, but the last of the Gigantopithecus, just awaiting extinction, in a treasure trove of fruits and gold.

It is all deftly orchestrated by Favreau who manages to balance spectacle and emotion perfectly. The movie ends with a familiar picture straight out of the books with Mowgli, Bagheera and Baloo just chilling out on a tree.

Friday 15 April 2016

QOTD 16/04/2016

It was conceived in 1984 by architect and designer Richard Saul Wurman. The first conference, organized by Harry Marks and Wurman in the same year, featured demos of the Sony compact disc, and one of the first demonstrations of the Apple Macintosh computer. Presentations were given by famous mathematician Benoit Mandelbrot and influential members of the digerati community, like Nicholas Negroponte and Stewart Brand. The event was financially unsuccessful; it took six years before the second conference was organized. What am I talking about ?

Thursday 14 April 2016

QOTD 15/04/2016

So, I couldn't update my blog due to lack of time and Internet. It's a huge problem in my college. Anyway here goes...

X is based in ,Tsuen Wan, Hong Kong. Since the website was launched on April 12, 2008, it has grown in popularity, reaching more than 28.4 million Facebook “likes” and 5.99 million Twitter followers in December 27, 2015.
The website was co-founded in 2008 - 2009 by University of Hong Kong student Ray Chan, his brother Chris Chan, and others, with the intention of creating an alternative online platform to email on which users could easily share humorous photos or videos. Ray Chan is the current CEO of the company.
During a 2012 interview, Ray Chan declined to comment on the name of X.

Sunday 10 April 2016

Saturday 9 April 2016

QOTD 09/04/2016

Q. What term came into existence from "Shah Mat", which means "The King is dead" ?